As an example, Louisiana is one of the states in America that elects its judges. Furthermore, in Louisiana, of all its elected officials, judges cannot be recalled after they are elected and must wait until the next election cycle to enact change of the current office holder. Many judges, especially in certain parishes, have many defense attorneys and bail bond companies as their main campaign contributors.
This is unlike some other states that have their judges "appointed" to reduce and hopefully remove any campaign contributions from defense attorneys and bail bond companies. Moreover, these other states also allow the public to recall appointed judges. This promotes accountability as well as the "balance of powers" while in office with the public.
In order for Louisiana to solve its crime problem, it must start at the top and that means the judges. This as opposed to say the parents, as what good is the parents' advice and teaching when the judges undermine the parents' advice by allowing juveniles and criminals to go free in around 4 hours after being arrested? Basically, judges who allow the juvenile and criminals to go free have caused the advice of parents, teachers, principals, counselors, social workers, police, district attorney, clergy and community leaders to ring hollow and be more Talk than Action.
Another important point is that the New $145M Jail that opened in Sept 2015 is smaller than the current jail it replaced.
In fact, the Orleans Parish New Jail is 200 BEDS smaller.
Hence, what good is it to hire more police when there is no jail space to put the criminals?[3][4]
Why should these repeat juvenile offenders (including the non-dangerous ones)listen to the advice of their parents, relatives, community leaders, police, or even the district attorneys, if the judges constantly let them out of jail? Note: Many parents, typically in poor neighborhoods, will say they don't believe in incarceration and that too many of their "young black men are in jail".
But without incarceration, why should these repeat offenders (including the non-dangerous ones) listen to the judges or anyone else for that matter? What good would the advice of parents, teachers, and family counselors be if judges don't follow through on enforcing the law?
Does America have a gun control problem? Or, does America have a repeat offender problem?
If the judges keep letting criminals out of jail, these criminals will eventually get their hands on a gun or other weapon.
And why should a police officer risk their life arresting a criminal only to have the judge (1) let the criminal out of jail, (2) allow the criminal to re-arm themselves, and (3) take another shot at the police officer, again and again? Is that how the system is supposed to work?
QUESTION: Is our community really safer if we lock up more people, separate them from their families and their jobs, and put them in jail where they interact with others who are truly dangerous?
ANSWER #A: Why put repeat offenders (including the non-dangerous ones) with their families that are already dysfunctional, absentee, very irresponsible, and influenced them to be who they are today? That is, a repeat offender.
ANSWER #B: Are you sure the current environment outside of jail isn't more dangerous?
Repeat offenders can easily get legal alcohol, drink beer 24/7, and not be responsible. Plus, their current poor environment has easier access to illegal drugs. Next, given enough time, isn't a repeat offender going to try to commit more crimes within their own community, if not outside their community?
ANSWER #C: Talking and having a conversation with convicts in jail is not the same as committing more crimes outside of jail with other repeat offenders (including the non-dangerous ones).
Note: Interacting/mingling with ex-cons and repeat offenders who are outside of jail, in order to commit more crimes, can be even more dangerous than interacting/mingling with those inside of jail.