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DNC's Latest Collusion Strategy - Using Children as Human Shields to commit Crimes

Last Updated: Saturday, November 28, 2020 1:25 PM
Dreamers Reunited With Parents & Family?

That is, the Left Wing Axis of the DNC-Soros-SJW is using children of illegal aliens to allow adult illegals to commit crimes.

All this, while crying that Trump is separating children from parents?

QUESTION: If a parent commits an armed robbery in Detroit, Baltimore, D.C., or New Orleans, isn't that parent separated from his/her children by going to jail?

Notice how all the cries of "children separating" and PR photo ops are all timed, synchronized, and orchestrated by the DNC (and that appears to include Laura Bush.)

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1 - No, Trump Isn't 'Losing' Immigrant Kids Or Ripping Apart Families. Here Are the FACTS.- Brittany M. Hughes - Home

2 - PHOTOS: Inside Shelter for Illegal Alien Children Separated from Parents | Breitbart

3 - American Voices - Misinformation is being spread about family...

That is, the DNC is using children of illegal aliens to allow adult illegals to commit crimes...All this, while crying that Trump is separating children from parents? QUESTION: If a parent commits an armed robbery in Detroit, Baltimore, D.C., or New Orleans, isn't that parent separated from his children by going to jail?


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