STEP 1: Download here. ->[Plain Text File]
(or just Copy and Paste the Text below into your MS Word computer program)
STEP 2: Change the place marked with square brackets [] to your local advertiser
NOTE: Do NOT change the term, "LOCAL Liberal / Rino Media".
- You must keep this term vague for legal reasons because if you specifically use the Local Liberal / Rino Media by name, then they do have grounds can come after you. Yes, you still have the 1st Amendment of Free Speech, but this is to avoid a legal fight to begin with, while getting the message across.
STEP 3: Print and Mail to only that one (1) local Advertiser
And do NOT send to any of the media whatsoever;
that means both Liberal or Conservative media,
as you are trying to reduce conflict of interest).
STEP 4: Get another friend, family member to do the same.
You only need a few letters to just one (1) local advertiser to get the ball rolling. You can add more and more users to your letter writing campaign as time goes on. Then when you see change. You can add another LOCAL advertiser.
Step-by-step is what it takes to get a LOCAL movement started.